Embodiment and Interbeing

Like many of you, I am deeply disturbed by what is happening on our planet. The destruction of Nature, the exploitation of people and animals, and the rampant use of violence all weigh heavily on my heart. It pains me to see forests being slashed and children going hungry, especially when it is so obvious [...]

By |2017-11-02T14:06:22-08:00August 2nd, 2015|psychology, relational trauma, relationships, spirituality, trauma|Comments Off on Embodiment and Interbeing

Cultivating Empathy

We live in a web of relationships. We have a relationship with the people in our lives, a relationship with ourselves, and relationships to the animals, sky, water, and land. What does it mean to be in relationship to another? Can we remain connected to ourselves as we connect to another? Mountain Pose is a [...]

By |2017-11-02T14:06:22-08:00March 9th, 2015|relationships, spirituality, yoga|Comments Off on Cultivating Empathy

A Conversation with Counsellor Swarn Leung (from the Cowichan Valley Voice, October 2014 issue)

As a child, counsellor Swarn Leung was always very interested in helping others. “I wanted to be a nurse or a teacher in Ethiopia. When I was fifteen I watched a movie about Gandhi that inspired me very deeply. I was amazed that an ordinary man could have such a profound impact in the world." [...]

By |2017-11-02T14:06:22-08:00December 29th, 2014|psychology, relational trauma, relationships, spirituality, trauma|Comments Off on A Conversation with Counsellor Swarn Leung (from the Cowichan Valley Voice, October 2014 issue)

A Sense of Self

How do we develop a sense of self? There are three main ways that a child’s sense of self is “awakened” by the caregiver: through a loving eye gaze, a gentle voice, and a caring touch, all of which are attuned to the present needs of the child. The child receives the sensory perceptions in [...]

By |2017-11-02T14:06:22-08:00March 15th, 2014|psychology, relationships, spirituality|Comments Off on A Sense of Self

What is Transpersonal Psychology?

I think of transpersonal psychology as a response to what is missing in Western psychology: an acknowledgement of the sacred, the spiritual, the mystery, the unknown, and the unknowable. Transpersonal psychology does not limit itself to these areas, but rather attempts to study and understand the entire range of human experience, from the pathological, to [...]

By |2017-11-02T14:06:23-08:00December 29th, 2013|psychology, spirituality|Comments Off on What is Transpersonal Psychology?

Where’s my Tribe?

For the overwhelming majority of our evolutionary history, we have lived in semi-nomadic tribes. As the human nervous system evolved over tens of thousands of years, we lived in small, highly-bonded groups of approximately forty to one hundred people. For each child in the tribe, there were about sixteen adults available to provide them with [...]

By |2017-11-02T14:06:23-08:00November 28th, 2013|psychology, relationships, spirituality|Comments Off on Where’s my Tribe?

Mind-Body Relationship

One way to think about health and wellness is to consider the relationship between our minds and our bodies. Our bodies are constantly sensing our environment and sending messages to the brain in the form of sensations. Are we able to receive and act upon these messages? The body-- when we know how to interpret [...]

By |2017-11-02T14:06:23-08:00November 28th, 2013|psychology, relationships, spirituality|Comments Off on Mind-Body Relationship


There are many teachings that lead us to the One. I call them guidelines. I collect guidelines, the same way I collect stones, feathers, and bones. I started my collection at around age fifteen. Life kept confronting me with questions I was completely ill-equipped to answer. Why is there suffering? Why are we here? What [...]

By |2017-11-02T14:06:24-08:00November 21st, 2010|spirituality|Comments Off on guidelines
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